About Me

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As a youth art educator, I am self-motivated, dependable with extensive experience teaching students from diverse backgrounds including formal and informal: public schools, museums, community art centers, recreation centers, and camps. I have always had an interest in education and learning through art and in 2010, I pursued my Masters of Science in Art Education at Rochester Institute of Technology and certification to teach in New York State. This intense, lengthy process involved both the classroom and 12 weeks of student teaching. This expanded my philosophy of education and ideas about learning. I believe in curricular integration and lessons plans in art education relating to core subjects. Also, developing research strategies and curriculum planning focusing on projects is an asset of mine. Being an art educator I am always thinking creatively and adapting to new situations and have the ability to take the initiative.

Monday, April 7, 2014

An Artful Education!

An artful education [Editorial]
"There's a very good reason Baltimore's incoming schools CEO, Gregory Thornton, worked so hard to restore music and art programs in the Milwaukee schools during his three-year tenure as superintendent there: Kids who learn to draw, dance, play an instrument or act on stage are more focused, get better grades and score higher on standardized tests than children who don't.
To his credit, Mr. Thornton apparently never considered arts instruction an unnecessary "frill" that could be cut every time there's a budget shortfall but instead recognized it for what it is: A useful and effective teaching tool that should be an essential element of the school curriculum because it increases students' desire and capacity to learn....."

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-arts-20140407,0,3450517.story#ixzz2yCxEZ3XP

I think this is an interesting article because it states that art education is not an extra subject that can be cut and have no impact on the students instead students who have art education included in their curriculum"are more focused, get better grades and score higher on standardized test than children who don't." Good Job Gregory Thornton!

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