About Me

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As a youth art educator, I am self-motivated, dependable with extensive experience teaching students from diverse backgrounds including formal and informal: public schools, museums, community art centers, recreation centers, and camps. I have always had an interest in education and learning through art and in 2010, I pursued my Masters of Science in Art Education at Rochester Institute of Technology and certification to teach in New York State. This intense, lengthy process involved both the classroom and 12 weeks of student teaching. This expanded my philosophy of education and ideas about learning. I believe in curricular integration and lessons plans in art education relating to core subjects. Also, developing research strategies and curriculum planning focusing on projects is an asset of mine. Being an art educator I am always thinking creatively and adapting to new situations and have the ability to take the initiative.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Alex Munro students launch Naturalization Project

 Check out this article to see how Calgary is responding to the nature-deficit disorder in the youth today!

"CALGARY — Parent Sommer McLauchlin-Benwood is well aware of the huge benefits children get by being outside and relating to nature.
Those benefits are both physical and psychological.
I was reminded of that myself one recent weekend — the Victoria Day long weekend, in fact — as I spent a solid three days outdoors working on my yard......"

Alex Munro students launch Naturalization Project

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